Tuesday, March 27, 2012

update on the bathroom remodeling!

There are so many things going on in my PC service right now. I only have 4 months left! I am trying to complete my projects and I'm helping out with a lot of trainings in the next few weeks. Some new projects I've started: working on a website for both the kindergartens, trying to get a computer at K2 so they can market their handicrafts, helping translate and get a public bathroom grant at the soccer field, and trying to design a reusable shopping bag to sell for a Sports Camp fundraiser.
The bathroom remodeling & sanitation project is almost finished- by the first week in April the construction should be complete and we'll have our final 2 parent health seminars! I've been meaning to send out postcards of the progress to all the donors, but the photo machine is broken at our local Kodak store(coincidentally, they've had me over a couple times to call the parts store in CA). Expect mailed updates soon though! In the meantime, here are some pictures of the progress!