Friday, July 27, 2012

saying goodbye

would i do it again, if i knew then what i know now? yeah, i know i would.

saying goodbye has been really hard. i'm not ready to leave armenia and i feel i've left too little time to say my goodbyes with my armenian friends. trying to clean and dispose of all the stuff i've collected 27 months has dominated my time (i can't say i've done a great job of doing that yet)...

last night i had a farewell khorovats with my host family and some of our friends- great time. luckily, i'll get to spend my last night in town with them, as im handing in my keys to my apartment and they offered my old bed, a place i can always stay. :)

tomorrow, i'll go to the koghb art school camp and spend the night up on the mountain! monday, i'll say my goodbyes to my sitemates, and tuesday i'm moving out! everything after that is paperwork and goodbyes to other pcvs who are leaving. after the 3rd, i have some pretty ambitious travel plans. (karabakh, batumi, istanbul, athens, cyprus, rome, vienna, and again to rome for a transatlantic cruise to the states, then up the coast home)

to be honest i really wasnt too sure i'd make it through this peace corps experience. at times i was itching to move on, and at times i felt i was wasting my time. but in the end i don't know how to leave this life, these people, the lifestyle, my peace corps friends. so much happens in 27 months away, here and back home. reading through this blog today gave me affirmation that i did do something great here. even though i left out anything bad, (which in speaking with friends might have been a misleading for future pcvs) i think i've been able to share some of the great moments and work from my experience. i hope you've enjoyed reading along-
i'll miss you, Armenia!!