These are some pictures from last night at big Nellie's birthday party:) It was a fun time, despite my terrible dancing.
There are three Nellies in my Armenian family- Tatik Nellie, me, and little Nellie my tutor's daughter.
There are three Nellies in my Armenian family- Tatik Nellie, me, and little Nellie my tutor's daughter.
It gets confusing- sometimes they call me "Nelliek" (with the "eek" sound it implies little, like shoon=dog, shoonik= puppy).
Two weeks ago was little Nellie's birthday party and I told everyone I was changing my name to Hikanoosh (hi-kon-oosh), so I could have an Armenian name... even though Nellie seems to be quite a popular Armenian name as it is. Hikanoosh is truly the most Armenian name for a female, no joke it literally is the female version of "Hike", the one which the country is named after. (Hayastan) (Hike-a-kan refers to anything Armenian, similar to using American).
Craziness.! Anyway, everyday is an adventure. I think I really need to start journaling, because lately I have quite a bit to say and you guys are going to get sick of reading my blog everyday.
Craziness.! Anyway, everyday is an adventure. I think I really need to start journaling, because lately I have quite a bit to say and you guys are going to get sick of reading my blog everyday.
Today I went to 4 villages with the Bridge of Hope to meet the School Directors and the Mayors. It was quite interesting to see the computer labs, only 1 out of the 4 had internet, and I saw some computers that belong in museums! It was my first time since PST being in an actual school, so it was good to see what they look like around here. I'm thinking of making my TEFL sitemates bring me to class next week, so I can see what it's like and teach the kids all sorts of terrible slang.
Hope all of you over there are doing great!
I'm so glad that you are accepted into a loving family of nellies!