Despite the cold weather we've had here- for the past 2 weeks my sitemates and I have done great hikes around town! I'm part of a volunteer/staff Biggest Loser challenge so I'm fighting the urge to stay inside though I've found so many things to do inside lately. I'm reading through the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series like no ones business. I've decided to go through the 15 days worth of music on my Ipod to get rid of the songs I always skip. I rearranged all the furniture in my house. I'm making postcards for all my friends back home. And painting rocks. And researching health projects and english lessons for my students. Crocheting a hat. Making a board game. Experimenting with chicken recipes. Watching moviestar repertoires in entirety. Studying for the LSAT... Plus I'm addicted to Google News. HAHA.
So, it's good to have motivated sitemates who can get me outside:)
Love the pictures! Keep having fun!