Wednesday, February 23, 2011

not to 'play favorites'...

in anticipation of a lesson about germs/sickness spreading, i have been keeping a small packet of opened glitter in my wallet.
glitter + lotion on kids hands, then having them shake hands = visual demonstration of germ sharing.
opened glitter in my wallet = a celebration every time i buy something (with sparkly money)!


  1. Hi,
    Just found your blog! My husband and I are invitees to Armenia with departure June 1. We were recently in Niger but evacuated in mid January due to security issues. We are eager to get back into a country with Peace Corps. Love your blog! Hope to meet you at some point. Judy Smith

  2. can't wait to meet you both! safe journeys and enjoy your time with loved ones before coming:) Armenia has many comforts of home & i'd say we are a pretty good group over here!
