we did:
Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes
the ABC's
& we read the Very Hungry Caterpillar then colored the paper butterflies:)
This event is my most favorite accomplishment to date!!
believe it- this video is from July 5th in Lake Sevan! huge hail, and a vague rainbow.
i spent most of this week enjoying the previously beautiful weather at Lake Sevan with many of the other Peace Corps Volunteers:) most places were closed down on Monday and Tuesday because Armenian Constitution Day is July 5th, and the new group of volunteers found out their sites on Wednesday- so i had most of the week off of regular work. the 3 new volunteers coming to my town & the surrounding villages are very nice and i'm excited for them!
i had a real good time with my friends this week- even wandered around a childrens' art museum in Yerevan before coming home again (Somehow we were a day too early to see the Surrealist exhibition going on at the National Gallery). the Childrens' Aesthetic Museum had an exhibit of childrens' artwork from 120 different countries- i definitely recommend it! (Though the drawing from Iraq will haunt me...)